After facing massive devastation from a devastating state of war, the metropolis Olympus has go the last stronghold as the eye of command for the world. In social club to protect the city from a group of terrorists known equally the Argonauts, onetime LAPD SWAT fellow member, Deunan Knotts, runs especial armed forces forces consisting of Biroids (cloned humans) in addition to her cyborg partner Brialeos. Knotts must protect the metropolis at all costs but is met amongst difficulties when Al Ceides, the Argonaut leader thought to live dead, resurfaces too causes problems.
Synonyms: Appleseed (2011)
Japanese: アップルシード XIII
Type: OVA
Episodes: thirteen
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jun iii, 2011 to Jan 25, 2012
Producers: Jinnis Animation Studios
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Production I.G, Welz Animation Studios
Source: Original
Genres: Action, Mecha, Military, Police, Sci-Fi
Duration: 22 minute. per ep.
Rating: R – 17+ (violence & profanity)
Eng Sub/Eng Subbed
10bit Dual Audio (English/Japanese)
- Mega
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